Welcome to my blog about Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine! I "discovered" this publication about 2 years ago and fell in love with it to the extent that I had to start collecting issues as I ran across them. The magazine began publication with its September, 1909 premier issue, and continued through March, 1941. It has been interesting to follow the changes through the 30 plus years the magazine was published. It is a great source for needlework, fashion, recipes and short stories. Through my journey of sharing my issues online, I hope to discover a pattern of what was popular in different forms of needlecraft over the 3 decades. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I am (so far!) enjoying posting articles and projects from the issues. Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Charming Girlish Frock, Set of Clothes for Baby

1913 08, page 19


Misses’ Dress

A stylish and novel costume for young girls is shown in this illustration, No. 6298.  The blouse has several possibilities.  It is composed of a yoke-section, and of a biblike lower part.  The yoke and the sleeves are cut in one, when the long sleeve is used, or a drop-shoulder-effect is used with a three-quarter sleeve.  The neck is slightly open in V-shape, and a handsome collar makes the finish.  The bib-sections are joined to the yoke with an overlapping seam.  This edge may be scalloped or finished in some other manner as desired.  The blouse closes in the back,

The skirt has three flounces, and these are mounted over a one-piece lining.  They may either be attached to this lining or joined together by stitching the lower edge of one flounce to the upper edge of the one below it.

Any soft material can be used for this style dress, and there is nothing prettier than the printed cotton voiles which can be combined with the plain, and which are also used in combination with ratine.  Any two colors, or two materials of about the same weight can be used in making this dress.

The dress-pattern, No. 6298, is cut in sizes for 14, 16 and 18 years.  To make the dress in the medium size will require 3 3/8 yards of 36-inch plain goods, 5 yards of 18-inch flouncing, 6 1/2 yards of narrow edging.  In one material 5 3/4 yards of 36-inch will be required.  Price of pattern, 10 cents.

Set of Clothes for Baby


Infants’ Set

This set of infants’ garments, No. 6320, gives every article necessary for the wardrobe of the little one.  The various dresses and slips can be made of soft cambric or batiste, and trimmed with Val. Lace, or left plain.  Care should be taken that any ruffle near the neck of the baby is soft, and that there is no danger of its scratching the skin.

For petticoats and sacque, and wrapper, fine flannel should be selected.  All waists should be of strong muslin, and cotton tape is better for ties than linen tape.

The gathering-string on No. 4, one of the nightgowns, is a great advantage for warm-weather babies, as it keeps the feet warm without the use of the pinned-up petticoat, or of bootees.

This set consists of dress, slip, kimono, sacque, petticoat, pinning-blanket, nightgown, cold-feet gown, coat, cap and bib.

The pattern, No. 6320, is cut in one size only.  To make requires: for dress No. 1, 2 1/2 yards of 36-inch material, 6 yards of insertion, 8 5/8 yards of edging.  For Nos. 2, 3 and 4: 2 1/8 yards of 36-inch material, 3/4 of a yard of edging.  For petticoat, No. 5: 1 7/8 yards of 27-inch material.  For pinning-blanket, No. 6: 1 3/4 yards of 27-inch flannel or 1 yard of 36-inch.  For kimono, No. 7: 2 1/8 yards of 36-inch goods.  For sacque, No. 8: 3/4 of a yard of 36-inch material and 3/4 of a yard of ribbon.  For coat, No. 9: 4 3/8 yards of 27-inch material, or 2 7/8 yards of 36-inch.  For cap, No. 10: 3/8 of a yard of 27-inch material and 1 yard of ribbon.  For bib, No. 11: 3/8 of a yard of 27-inch material.  Price of pattern, 10 cents.


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