January, 1912, page 20
Measure one and one-fourth inches at each corner and clip the threads to draw for the work, following the explicit directions that have many times been given. Be sure that all spaces to be worked are of the same width.
Hemstitch the inner edge of space, and tie the strands of threads in groups of eight each, taking care that this knotting-thread is exactly in the center of space. Fill in by crossing five times, skipping each alternate group of eight, and crossing this group in the center. Tie the threads in the same way on both sides of the space, that is, above and below the center.
To make the medallions, tie the group and threads crossing the same securely in the center. Begin the circle close to the center; tie the group of threads in two divisions, the filling-threads four in a bunch, except three in the middle, including the center knotting-thread.
To make the fancy edge, turn and go backward from the way the circle was tied, catching the needle under last thread of circle from the outer side, letting the needle come up back of the working-thread; do the same under the fourth circle thread, alternating outer and inner thread, and making a row of cross-stitches, similar in appearance to brier-stitch.
For the points on outer edge, let the thread fall to the left of the needle, put the needle under filling-thread up through the loop, and draw up until it is smooth. Put the needle under the outer circle thread into a loop formed as before, and repeat again once on outer and then on inner thread. Proceed to the next junction of filling- and circle-threads, and continue as described, taking care that the stitch on the circle is the last, so that a point will be formed.
Make medallions to fill the corners similar to those on the sides, save that they will be circular in form.
To make the double rows, measure one and one-fourth inches on each side of open corner piece, skip the bunches of threads when groups are made of them. Double the dividing threads, put across the corners at line of center, to give strength.
After working the first space, which alone makes a very lovely border, cut the threads for the second, draw, and proceed as for the first space.
For the half medallions fasten the filling-thread as it is put in at center, and carry down the group to the same position on the group tied. Work in the same way as directed for the whole medallion, except to turn halfway and tie back.
Last of all, edge with fine lace and insertion or lace alone, holding rather full at the corners so that the turn will be smoothly made. One and three-eighths yards will be found sufficient for a nine-inch square. If preferred, one may make a wider hem, using an eleven-inch square, and omit the lace border.
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