Welcome to my blog about Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine! I "discovered" this publication about 2 years ago and fell in love with it to the extent that I had to start collecting issues as I ran across them. The magazine began publication with its September, 1909 premier issue, and continued through March, 1941. It has been interesting to follow the changes through the 30 plus years the magazine was published. It is a great source for needlework, fashion, recipes and short stories. Through my journey of sharing my issues online, I hope to discover a pattern of what was popular in different forms of needlecraft over the 3 decades. I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I am (so far!) enjoying posting articles and projects from the issues. Thanks for visiting!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Two Pretty Yokes in Knitting

1912, November, page 22

Square Yoke for Corset-Cover or Chemise
By Clara M. Folsom
Cast on 50 stitches; knit across plain.
1.  Slip 1, knit 8, (over, narrow) 4 times, knit 8, narrow, over twice, narrow, knit 4, *over, narrow, knit 8, over twice, narrow, knit 5.
2.  Knit 7, purl 1, knit 9, over, narrow, *knit 5, purl 1, knit 16, over, narrow, knit 8.
3.  Slip 1, knit 2, bind off 3, knit 2, over, narrow, *knit 1, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 5, (narrow, over twice, narrow) twice, knit 2, over, narrow, knit 2, bind off 3, knit 4, over twice, narrow, knit 4.
4.  Knit 6, purl 1, knit 5, over 3 times, knit 3, over, narrow, *(knit 3, purl 1) twice, knit 14, over, narrow, knit 2, over 3 times, knit 3.  By binding off the 3 stitches in one row and replacing them by putting thread over 3 times in the next, the beading in which to run ribbon is formed.
5.  Slip 1, knit 3, purl 1, knit 4, over, narrow, *knit 2, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 6, narrow, over twice, narrow, knit 4, over, narrow, knit 3, purl 1, knit 8, over twice, narrow, knit 3.
6.  Knit 5, purl 1, knit 13, over, narrow, *knit 5, purl 1, knit 16, over, narrow, knit 8.
7.  Slip 1, knit 8, over, narrow, knit 3, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 3, (narrow, over twice, narrow) twice, knit 2, over, narrow, knit 14, over 3 times, knit 3 together, knit 1.
8.  Knit 3, purl 1, knit 16, over, narrow, (knit 3, purl 1) twice, knit 14, over, narrow, knit 8.
9.  Like 3d row to *; knit 4, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 4, narrow, over twice, narrow, knit 4, over, narrow, knit 2, bind off 3, knit 13.
10.  Bind off 4, knit 9, over 3 times, knit 3, over, narrow, knit 5, purl 1, knit 16, over, narrow, knit 2, over 3 times, knit 3.
11.  Like 5th  to *; knit 5, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 11, over, narrow, knit 3, purl 1, knit 4, over twice, narrow, knit 5.
12.  Knit 7, purl 1, knit 9, *over, narrow, knit 22, over, narrow, knit 8.
13.  Slip 1, knit 8, over, narrow, knit 6, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 10, over, narrow, knit 10, over twice, narrow, knit 4.
14.  Knit 6, purl 1, knit 11; like 12th row from *.
15.  like 3d to *; knit 7, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 9, over, narrow, knit 2, bind off 3, knit 6, over twice, narrow, knit 3.
16.  Knit 5, purl 1, knit 7, *over 3 times, knit 3, over, narrow, knit 22, over, narrow, knit 2, over 3 times, knit 3.
17.  Like 4th to *; knit 8, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 8, over, narrow, knit 3, purl 1, knit 10, over 3 times, knit 3 together, knit 1.
18.  Knit 3, purl 1, knit 16; like 12th row from *.
19.  Slip 1, knit 8, over, narrow, knit 9, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 7, over, narrow, knit 19.
20.  Bind off 4, knit 15; like 12th from *.
21.  Like 3d to *; knit 10, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 6, over, narrow, knit 2, bind off 3, knit 2, over twice, narrow, knit 5.
22.  Knit 7, purl 1, knit 3; like 16th row from *.
23.  Like 5th to *; knit 11, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 5, over, narrow, knit 3, purl 1, knit 6, over twice, narrow, knit 4.
24.  Knit 6, purl 1, knit 11; like 12th from *.
25.  Slip 1, knit 8, over, narrow, knit 4, narrow, over twice, narrow, knit 4, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 4, over, narrow, knit 12, over twice, narrow, knit 3.
26.  Like 6th to *; knit 15, purl 1, knit 6, over, narrow, knit 8.
27.  Like 3d to *; knit 2, (narrow, over twice, narrow) twice, knit 3, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 3, over, narrow, knit 2, bind off 3, knit 8, over 3 times, knit 3 together, knit 1.
28.  Knit 3, purl 1, knit 10, over 3 times, knit 3, over narrow, knit 13, purl 1, knit 3, purl 1, knit 4, over, narrow, knit 2, over 3 times, knit 3.
29.  Like 5th to *; knit 4, narrow, over twice, narrow, knit 6, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 2, over, narrow, knit 3, purl 1, knit 14.
30.  Bind off 4, knit 15, over, narrow, knit 15, purl 1, knit 6, over, narrow, knit 8.
31. Slip 1, knit 8, over, narrow, knit 2, (narrow, over twice, narrow) twice, knit 5, (over, narrow) 3 times, knit 1; like 1st row from *.
32.  Like 2d to *; knit 13, purl 1, knit 3, purl 1, knit 4, over, narrow, knit 8.
33.  Like 3d to *; knit 4, narrow, over twice, narrow, knit 8, (over, narrow) 4 times, knit 2, bind off 3, knit 4, over twice, narrow, knit 4.
34.  Like 4th to *; knit 15, purl 1, knit 6, over, narrow, knit 2, over 3 times, knit 3.
35.  Slip 1, knit 3, purl 1, knit 4, over, narrow, knit 22, over, narrow, knit 3, purl 1, knit 8, over twice, narrow, knit 3.
36.  Knit 5, purl 1, knit 13; like 12th row from *.
37.  Slip 1, knit 8, over, narrow, knit 22, over, narrow, knit 14, over 3 times, knit 3 together, knit 1.
38.  Knit 3, purl 1, knit 16; like 12th from *.
39.  Slip 1, knit 2, bind off 3, knit 2, over, narrow, knit 22, over, narrow, knit 2, bind off 3, knit 13.
40.  Bind off 4, knit 9, over 3 times, knit 3, over, narrow, knit 22, over, narrow, knit 2, over 3 times, knit 3.
Make the pattern three times for one front, bind off 35 stitches, continue the scallop with the holes for beading on the remaining stitches until you have fourteen scallops for one shoulder, then cast on 35 stitches and knit the pattern six times for the back.  Make the other shoulder and front in the same way.  Make seventeen inches the same as shoulder for inside of arm.  Run three-eighths-inch ribbon in the holes and tie on shoulders and in front.
No. 38 lace thread was sued for this yoke, which is large enough for thirty-two or thirty-four-inch bust measure; it may be easily increased in size, however, by knitting an extra pattern, and adding to the length of shoulder.
In crochet cord or knitting-cotton the insertion without the scallops, also omitting the purling, if preferred, makes a very pretty stripe for a bedspread.  With the edge of scallops, omitting the purling – which any knitter can readily do after having knitted the pattern as described – one has a very attractive lace while the scallop itself makes a neat, pretty edging for under-garments and any small article.

Yoke for Knitted Undervest
By Mrs. Lura Fletcher
Using No. 17 or No. 18 needles (finer, if preferred) and No. 60 crochet-cotton, cast on 44 stitches and knit across once plain.
1.  Knit 5 (the 1st stitch of each row at this edge may be slipped), over 3 times, slip 2d, 3e and 4th stitches on left-hand needle over the 1st stitch, knit that stitch and 2 more, *over, knit 1, narrow, purl 1, narrow, knit 1, (over, knit 1) twice, narrow, purl 1, narrow, knit 1, over, *knit 3, over 3 times, slip 2d, 3d and 4th stitches on left-hand needle over the 1st,knit 5, over, knit 1, (over, knit 3 together) twice.
2.  Knit 11; knit 1, purl 1, and knit 1 in loop, knit 3, *purl 3, knit 1, purl 7, knit 1, purl 3, *knit 3; knit 1, purl 7, knit 1, purl 3, *knit 3; knit 1, purl 1 and knit 1 in loop, knit 5.
3.  Knit 11, over, knit 1, narrow, purl 1, narrow, knit 1, purl 1, knit 1, narrow, purl 1, narrow, knit 1, over, knit 9, narrow, over, knit 3, over, narrow, over, knit 1.
4.  Knit 18, purl 3, knit 1, (purl 2, knit 1) twice, purl 3, knit 11.
5.  Knit 11, over, knit 1; over, narrow, (purl 1, narrow) 3 times, over, knit 1, over, knit 8, narrow, over, knit 5, over, narrow, over, knit 1.
6.  Knit 19, purl 4, (knit 1, purl 1) twice, knit 1, purl 4, knit 11.
7.  Knit 11, over, knit 3, over, knit 3 together, purl 1, knit 3 together, over, knit 3, over, knit 7, narrow, over, knit 2, narrow, over twice, narrow, knit 1, over, narrow, over, knit 1.
8.  Knit 7, purl 1, knit 12, purl 6, knit 1, purl 6, knit 11.
9.  Knit 11, over, knit 5, over, knit 3 together, over, knit 5, over, knit 9, over, narrow, knit 3, narrow, (over, narrow) twice.
10.  Knit 19, purl 15, knit 11.
11.  Repeat from * to * in 1st row, knit 10, over, narrow, knit 1, narrow, (over, narrow) twice.
12.  Knit 5, narrow, knit 11, repeat * to * in 2d row, knit 11.
Repeat from 1st row until there are fifteen scallops for the back.  Break off the thread, leaving at least eight inches, and lay aside with the stitches still on the needle.
For the underarm piece take another needle, cast on 2- stitches and knit across plain.
1.  Knit 5, over 3 times, slip 2d, 3d and 4th stitches on left-hand needle over the 1st, knit 5, over, knit 1, over, knit 3 together.
2.  Knit 11; knit 1, purl 1 and knit 1 in loop, knit 5.
3.  Knit 11, narrow, over, knit 3, over, narrow, over, knit 1.
4.  Knit 20.
5.  Knit 10, narrow, over, knit 5, over, narrow, over, knit 1.
6.  Knit 21.
7.  Knit 11, over, knit 2, narrow, over twice, narrow, knit 1, over, narrow, over, knit 1.
8.  Knit 7, purl 1, knit 15.
9.  Knit 12, over, narrow, knit 3, narrow, (over, narrow) twice.
10.  Knit 22.
11.  Knit 13, over, narrow, knit 1, narrow, (over, narrow) twice.
12.  Knit 5, narrow, knit 14.
Repeat from 1st row until there are nine scallops for the underarm; then, as you knit to the top or selvage edge, take the strip you have completed for the back and knit the last stitch on your needle with the 1st stitch of the other (the two selvages together); turn, knit 1st row of scallop, turn, knit back to the top as usual, knitting last stitch with next stitch of the back.  Continue in this way until 24 stitches (the insertion) are joined, leaving the 20 stitches of the scallop still on the needle.
Now proceed with the overarm strip, which has the scallop on each edge.  Knit across the edge which you have just joined to the roseleaf insertion, then continue with the scallop exactly as you knitted it when making the back of the yoke.  Knit until you have seven scallops (on each edge) for the shoulder, then divide, having 20 stitches on each needle.  Leave the upper edge, and knit four scallops on the underarm, joining to the beginning of the underarm strip by knitting together.
Now take the upper or shoulder needle, with the remaining 20 stitches, and pick up 24 stitches along the selvage of the four scallops last knitted, 1 stitch from every other row, and making the original 44 stitches.  Continue with the front, making it the same as the back, and proceed with the other arm exactly as directed for the first, joining the ends by knitting together loosely enough not to draw the work.
Finish by running ribbon through the beading spaces, front and back, and around the arms.  Strengthen the plain space between the beading over the shoulder, by neatly applying narrow tape on the under side.
The lace in itself is very pretty; and the edging with the beading may be applies without the insertion to the neck and sleeves of a corset-cover or combination garment.


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